Mars One: The Reality Show
An artist's rendition of a Mars One Habitat Interior. Image credit SpaceHabs Mars One is a non-profit organization with a...
An artist's rendition of a Mars One Habitat Interior. Image credit SpaceHabs Mars One is a non-profit organization with a...
The 1990s was a busy decade. Home computers were rapidly improving and the Internet was born. John Glenn returned to...
Remember Pac-Man when it first came out? How about the Atari games? This was a time when home computers were...
The 1970s were a decade of platform shoes, smiley faces and mood rings. CB radios were riding a high of...
What images does mention of the 1960s bring up for you? Hippies. The Space Race. The Civil Rights movement. And,...
If you remember listening to the fun music of the 1950s, you're probably wondering why the radio simply doesn't play...
So I had to make a one-minute video for my Mars One application. My first reaction was, basically, “Gulp”. How...
You might have heard the phrase, "The world connects through USB." Those little ports that you can plug memory sticks,...
What do you look for in a new computer? You could buy one ready-made from one of many large corporations...
How does a router know which “hops” are available to it when deciding where to send packets? Well, it could...
Image credit Mr. Haywood's Cisco Class Routers are pretty much a mystery for a lot of people. If you asked...
Mathnet. Image credit Wikipedia Mathnet is an obvious take on the popular show Dragnet and was created as a segment...
Image Credit Wikipedia May 12th is National Odometer Day. Why odometers? Well, an odometer is that device on your car...
Skylab. Image credit: Aerospace Guide Skylab isn't necessarily the first thing people think of when the subject of NASA and...
What does a cat really want? I know a lot of humans tri A little catnip would be good. Maybe...
Reading the classics is a good idea, in theory. They're supposed to make you a more well-rounded and literate individual....
Have you ever craved a mango? If so, go ahead and indulge. With all kinds of health benefits and only...
You have a bag of apples around your house, don't you? You probably don't think much about those apples, except...
C.S. Lewis is best known for The Chronicles of Narnia and his works of Christian non-fiction. Slightly less famous is...
Do you get tired of the same old thing in your science fiction? If that hot new series isn't centered...
So you're into fantasy. Only problem is, you get bored with some of the newfangled stuff. I don't blame you....
Image Credit Space Race History You want to know more about the Space Race. Most third-party histories are pretty dry...
So you've finally gotten fed up with all the hype surrounding “Twilight”. I don't blame you. I never really got...
You like fantasy. You just want something other than the glittery vampires of "Twilight" and the newfangled wizardry of "Harry...
Expedition 16 Poster. Image credit Wikimedia The Return of Peggy Whitson Peggy Whitson writes in a book in a replica...
STS-123 Crew Poster. Image credit NASA STS-123 patch. Image credits Space Facts When astronaut Garrett Reisman applied to NASA as...
The Squidoo Logo. Image credit Squidoo. If you've visited my blog lately, you might have noticed a few oddities. I...
The Yo-Yo is a deceptively simple toy that was around way before iPads, electronic games and many popular board games....
Valentine's Day is approaching fast! Stay on top of the romantic day of the year by doing some of your...
Let's face it, being a geek is somewhere between just plain cool and just plain nerdy. You're the one who...
Image credit: Computa Networking Subnetting is essentially dividing up your network into segments. Doing this makes sense if you have...
Hopscotch is a classic playground game that has been played by children at recess for decades. There is a variety...
Don't know how to do the Moonwalk? If you're a true fan of Michael Jackson, you must have tried at...
So you're a total baseball fan. You can rattle off the stats of your favorite players for about as long...
The logo for the IEEE 802.11 Working Group One of the biggest challenges to designing and implementing a wireless network...
The logo for the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Most people are unaware of the infrastructure and effort that goes into...
The logo for the IEEE 802.11 Working Group The IEEE 802.11 standard specifies that all WLAN features are implemented in...
A comparison of the four best-known 802.11 standards. Image credit InfoSec In 1978, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) released...
So you're walking around with your laptop or that nifty new tablet you got last week. You're looking for a...
The ability to print out documents is vital to any business. Some industries are legally required to keep hard copy...
Just what it sounds like, file sharing is the process by which files and folders can be shared across the...
Image credit, where you can find out everything you ever wanted to know about DNS. Domain Name System (DNS)...
DHCP At Work. Image credit DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. It handles the automatic assignment of...
A network is a group of two or more nodes connected through a medium. A node is a device, such...
Rice is rice, right? Well, do it right, and rice can be so much more. When you think of rice,...
Image credit Potato Goodness So you've got a whole sack of potatoes and you're getting a little sick of the...
Asparagus. Image credit Michigan Asparagus Advisory Board Have you gotten a good deal on some bunches of asparagus? If so,...